Real Device

Live Testing

Live Testing is a great way to show clients what work is in progress. Snap Automation places your application in a temporary online destination with restricted access. Clients can check to see work is progressing well, or give feedback, without overly hassling the developer. Your developers can have versions up and running before launch, and accessible from more than one location.

Snap Automation provides for secure testing of your application by following these best practices:
- Prohibiting USB devices
- Providing for VPN access
- Creating frequent backups
- Maintaining strict password policies
- No connections through public networks
- Controlling communication with team members
- Ensuring antivirus and security programs are up to date
Test Creation

Snap Automation provides tools designed to simplify and speed-up creation and maintenance of application quality assurance tests. Our strategy is to cut down the repetitive and mundane aspects of writing QA tests by recording and generating them for perpetual reuse.
AWS Adoption

Snap Automation uses AWS API and Command Line Interface tools to support test automation. These tools allow developers to automatically create and configure test environments, connect databases, run scripts and even use continuous integration methods to automatically run a test suite on each successful build.
When the application testing process requires a database, an admin can use Amazon Relational Database Service instances preloaded with a test data set. Even better, Snap Automation enables you to leverage the AWS Tools and Frameworks parts of the product, including EC2, CodeDeploy, IVS/KVS, SQS,S3, Kibana, AWS Wavelength and G4 Instances and more with Cloud compatible solutions.
Debugging Signals

With Snap Automation, you can visually identify issues with precision and speed for your application. Compare screens, identify problems and download reports to quickly fix your code.
End-to-End Testing

Snap Automation is designed for end-to-end testing, a methodology used for ensuring that applications behave as expected and that the flow of data is maintained for all kinds of user tasks and processes. This type of testing approach starts from the end user’s perspective and simulates real-world scenarios.
CI/CD Optimization

Your DevOps build can be validated with snap automation for your application at any time of the development lifecycle at an affordable, transparent price. Snap automation data center provides an automated QA and production like environment. Our Continuous integration environment helps avoid system downtime and reduces human errors greatly.
Multi-Device Support

Snap Automation supports a wide range of iOS and Android devices, including:
- 5G (NR NSA | SA)
- 4G LTE ( 3GPP),
- Wi-Fi (Supports all IEEE 802.11A-802.11AX 2.5 GhZ 5GhZ)
- Bluetooth 5.3
- and many other legacy connectivity protocols
If your teams require a specific legacy technology or OS version, please reach out and we will happily accommodate your request.
GIT Test Case Branches

Snap Automation fully supports GIT Test Case Branches. Branches are copies of our projects, allowing us to work on the same project by adding new features on different subjects by more than one person, without touching the current state of our project. Our application can continue to be developed rapidly as we can do experimental work without touching our main code, try library upgrades and simply delete our branch without facing any rollback in case it fails. If it is successful, we can simply merge it with the DEV branch and continue.
Mobile Test Automation

Mobile automation is the process whereby one automates testing of an application – in this case a mobile application. This can be done using Snap Automation to reduce your testing time cycle.
Share Immediate Results

Whether by email or directly in the Snap Portal, you can view your test results immediately. With Snap Automation insights you will be able to see exactly where your test went wrong and rerun without the arduous process of reviewing thousands of lines of logs. Snap Automation enables you to download a copy of test results or generate reports at ease.
Multi-Access Edge Computing

Multi-Access Edge Computing moves the computing of traffic and services from a centralized cloud to the edge of the network and closer to your customer. Instead of sending all data to a cloud for processing, the network edge analyzes, processes and stores the data. Collecting and processing data closer to the customer reduces latency and brings real-time performance to high-bandwidth applications. With Snap Automation, you can test the functions of your MEC application seamlessly.
Customize Your Test Environment

Snap Automation lets you customize your testing needs on various mobile device models and OS in our data center. You can set up and configure your environment at ease. Our environment allows developers to work freely on the program without worrying about the impact on end users. No surprises or edge-cases that aren’t tested by Snap Automation before your application launch.
Android Debug Bridge (ADB) Testing

Android Debug Bridge is a versatile command-line tool that lets you communicate with a device. The ADB command facilitates a variety of device actions, such as installing and debugging apps, and it provides access to a Unix shell that you can use to run a variety of commands on a device using Snap Automation.
Mobile Device Management (MDM) Testing

This is the feature to support the Security of the device for any security vulnerabilities.. Snap Automation empowers your MDM testing to project future results for your application.
Multiple Integrations

Your DevOps build can be validated with Snap Automation’s CICD Software Development Lifecycle Integration for your application at any time of the development lifecycle. Snap automation data center provides an automated QA and production like environment.
In addition, our Alert Monitoring Integration ensures alerts are delivered in a timely manner while preventing as many false positives and negatives as possible, as well as making sure we’re detecting issues on time and we avoid waking up users in the middle of the night with false alarms.

Snap Automation fits right into your System Development Life Cycle, enabling your DevOps to continue to develop, test and deploy as they have always done, but with the power of continuous, automated testing.